As always... Norwegian Knitting.
The patterns in these Nether Garments by Elizabeth Zimmerman aren't so much innovative or new, but just so bright and colourful! I'm so excited to start working on my friend's Norwegian Mate Carrier (which I have been putting off for over a year now... ugh), and I think I am going to go the colourful route rather than the dimmed down traditional route, which is very much her daily garb. You've witnessed it, this is the first time in my life that I have used the term "garb" as a word in my own vocabulary.
Russian Dolls.
So colourful, playful, creepy... Russian dolls have been in and out of my mind for years, and finally they are sticking after I found this pattern for Tatiana Gloves. There is also a mitten cover in the images.
House Slippers.
I need some. Desperately. Tracking in the snow and having these dirty dusty floors from poor air filtration means icky feet unless I take further action. Hexagon Boot Slippers are a project that is super cute, retro-mod, and great for my stash-busting purposes. I might end up making 5 pairs of these (or Christmas gift ideas??? hmmmm...)
Knitted Mittens.
I already made myself a pair of the Mittens from Halland by Marcia Lewandowski, and use them every single day in the long Alaskan winters. This isn't to say that I don't want dozens of more mittens, such as these Anemoi Mittens by Eunny Jang.
"Norwegian Stockings."
Maybe the crazy colours are what give this pair more of an African or even Russian appeal, but they really are Norwegian patterned stockings called Damestrømpe. In the neverending queue I have for projects to make (regardless of recipient), I would like to make a pair of these, just as pictured. The Caution Tape effect is growing on me.
Vogue Knitting is starting to impress me. I've always been a fan of more independent designers and publishers, but even the limited community of knitters and crocheters leaves room to support dominant publishers such as Vogue Knitting. I never ever thought I would want to knit ANY kind of lace in my lifetime, but alas... these stockings tempt me. Someday, someday....
This beautiful fair isle sweater inspired by Dutch athletic uniforms (what? Yes.) by Ann Weaver truly revamps the old tradition of knitting garments. Though I don't know what each shape represents, I am particularly drawn to the downward arrows because they remind me of the anchors I've seen growing up visiting Alaskan fishing docks.
So many stitches!! So many colours!! So, so worth it.
So my inspiration at the moment consists of LOTS OF KNITTING!! and...
the Alboka.
A traditional instrument from the Basque region of Spain (País Vasco). It sounds like bagpipes, plays like a clarinet and is made of viking horns. This instrument is perfection. I am going to make one soon, after I finish some knitted leggings for a friend and these knitted shorts I'm working on. It's about time I take on a big project for myself. Little ol' me. There's even a website with a step-by-step guide on how to make one!! Yeah, it's even in Spanish. Real Spanish: Spain Spanish. And I understand the better part of 99% of the instructions (some terms are in Euskeda, the regional language). Time to be selfish :)
Have a great week, hope I inspired someone.
I almost forgot...
Pantry Organization.
Call me crazy but I'm in a major organization and purging mood right now. I just cleaned out the fridge at me and Nolan's place and am realizing how much space there actually is inside. Pantry and cupboards are next, and I am fully prepared for an awesomely organized pretty cupboard for our pretty apartment.